As we approach December thermometers across the land are going only one way, and it ain't up! This means that many homes and properties across the country will be relying on their gas condensing boilers to keep their occupants comfortable in the wintry months. Sadly, this is when they are most likely to fail.
Last year was the year of the frozen condensate pipes, and whilst things don't look so perilous this winter and installers have been careful to try and protect their customers from suffering the same fate, some installations may still do so.
A condensate pipe carries condensation from your boiler to the the outside drain. More often than not the condensation barely registers as a trickle, but it can freeze layer upon layer over-time in prolonged frozen conditions, eventually backing up into the boiler and preventing it from operating.
So if your boiler cuts out unexpectedly in very cold weather, before you call a plumber or heating engineer make sure you check the condensate pipe. The video below shows how you can perform a DIY fix. Don't worry, it's not dangerous and could save you a pretty penny as well as giving you the heat and hot water you deserve this winter.